
Barcelona spain map

Map of spain and barcelona. Barcelona spain map (Catalonia Spain) to print. Barcelona spain map (Catalonia Spain) to download. Barcelona in spain map, is the seaport, and capital of Catalonia comunidad autónoma (autonomous community), northeastern Spain. Barcelona is located 90 miles (150 km) south of the French border. Barcelona is Spain major Mediterranean port and commercial centre and is famed for its individuality, cultural interest, and physical beauty.

Map of spain and barcelona

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Barcelona was the “Paris of Spain”. Barcelona is indeed a major cultural centre with a remarkable history (a its shown in barcelona spain map). Barcelona abounds with archives, libraries, museums, and buildings of interest, featuring superb examples of Modernist and Art Nouveau decor and architecture.
The stock market of Barcelona, which in 2004 traded almost 205,000 million euros, is the second most important in Spain after that of Madrid. The main economic cost for Catalan families is the purchase of a house (see barcelona spain map). According to data of the Society of Appraisal on December 31, 2005 Catalonia was, after Madrid, the second most expensive area for houses. Barcelona is the most expensive city in Spain for housing.
Barcelona is one of the oldest cities in Spain (see barcelona spain map). Legend even whispers that Hercules founded Barcelona. More seriously, it is not known if Barcelona was inhabited before the Roman period, but some historians hypothesize that there was a camp around 230 BC by the Carthaginian Hamilcar Barca (father of the famous Hannibal), on the hill of Montjuïc. It is he who would have given his name to Barcelona.