
Barcelona night bus map

Map of barcelona night bus. Barcelona night bus map (Catalonia Spain) to print. Barcelona night bus map (Catalonia Spain) to download. NitBus is Barcelona night bus service that runs from about 22:00/22:30 to 5:00/5:30 every night depending on the line (see barcelona night bus map). The service of Barcelona night bus includes seventeen different lines, sixteen of which go through Plaza Catalunya in the very center of the city, making night transportation as easy and convenient as possible. The night buses accept all the same Barcelona transportation cards as the regular day buses and metro, so you can use the regular T-10 (ten trips) ticket, T-Día (day card) or longer-term cards issued by the TMB. However, the Hola BCN! transport cards are not accepted by the NitBus.

Map of barcelona night bus

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Barcelona night buses allow passengers to easily move around the city at night, reaching any destination they could otherwise reach by metro during the day. Barcelona night buses even travel to other nearby towns outside the city center of Barcelona including Badalona, Castelldefels, and El Prat de Llobregat as its shown in barcelona night bus map. The system allows residents and visitors to opt for public transportation at any hour of the night, providing an affordable solution to accumulating expensive taxi fares.