
Barcelona bus 24 map

Map of barcelona bus 24. Barcelona bus 24 map (Catalonia Spain) to print. Barcelona bus 24 map (Catalonia Spain) to download. Barcelona bus line 24 (Direction: Pl. Catalunya) has 22 stops from Doctor Bové - Penyal and ends at Pl Catalunya - Rambla Catalunya as its shown in barcelona bus 24 map. Overview of barcelona bus line 24 timetables for the coming week: Starts its service at 04:45 and ends at 22:20. Days of service this week: every day. the total travel time is about 39 minutes.

Map of barcelona bus 24

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Schedules of barcelona bus line 24 depend on the bus stop where you are, and change frequently. So we decided to stop publishing schedules and we recommend you visit on the official schedules of bus line 24 in Barcelona as its mentioned in barcelona bus 24 map. There are multiple stops that are in the route of barcelona bus line 24. The route goes from "Paral·lel" to "Carmel" and vice versa.