
Barcelona hop on hop off bus route map

Barcelona hop on hop off bus map. Barcelona hop on hop off bus route map (Catalonia Spain) to print. Barcelona hop on hop off bus route map (Catalonia Spain) to download. A day ticket for the Barcelona hop on hop off route costs around 30 euros (16 euros for children) and you can travel all day with the red, green and blue line as its shown in barcelona hop on hop off bus route map. A ticket for 2 days costs 40 euros. Barcelona hop on hop off buses route are often congested and there are regularly queues at the stops. Take the metro to get around quickly and economically. Buy tickets in advance with a 10% discount, or at full fare in Plaça de Catalunya, which is also the largest bus stop (with the longest queue) for the red and blue line.

Barcelona hop on hop off bus map

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Barcelona hop on hop off bus leavedaily every 5-15 minutes (except on 25th December and 1st January) depending on the season. Buses start at 9:30 and run until 20:00 (April to October) or until 19:00 (November to March). The green route of Barcelona hop on hop off is in operation from the end of March 26th to the end of September (see barcelona hop on hop off bus route map).
Alternatively, you can study the routes offered by the Barcelona Sightseeing Buses before you take the the hop on hop off tour and then do just that (see barcelona hop on hop off bus route map). If you already know the route and what you want to visit, you can hop on hop off at a particular sight, spend some visiting or even just have a walk around or a drink and something to eat and then hop back on again when you are ready to continue your trip.