
Barcelona road map

Map of barcelona road. Barcelona road map (Catalonia Spain) to print. Barcelona road map (Catalonia Spain) to download. Barcelona road lies on three international routes, including European route E15 (north-south), European route E90 (west-east) and European route E09 (as its shown in barcelona road map); Barcelona road also has a comprehensive network of motorways and highways throughout the metropolitan area, including A-2, A-7/AP-7, C-16, C-17, C-31, C-32, C-33, C-60.

Map of barcelona road

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Barcelona is circled by three half ring roads or bypasses (as its mentioned in barcelona road map), Ronda de Dalt (B-20) (on the mountain side), Ronda del Litoral (B-10) (along the coast) and Ronda del Mig (separated into two parts: Travessera de Dalt in the north and the Gran Via de Carles III), two partially covered fast highways with several exits that bypass Barcelona.