
Uab campus map

Map of uab campus. Uab campus map (Catalonia Spain) to print. Uab campus map (Catalonia Spain) to download. The history of the uab campus begins on 6 June 1968, when the decree on the creation of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (see uab campus map) is officially promulgated. One month later the first four faculties are created: Philosophy and Arts, Medicine, Science and Economics. That same July 1968, Dr Vicent Villar Palasí was named president of the Promotional Committee of the uab campus, a position which he maintained until August 1970, in which he became president of the Board of Trustees and the first rector of the uab campus.
In recent years, the uab campus has seen recognition for its efforts in promoting quality in teaching (see uab campus map), in attracting international talent and in obtaining a growing impact in research, together with a progressive improvement in uab campus classifications in the most prestigious and influential international rankings.
The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (see uab campus map) is one of the main public universities in Spain. Last year, uab campus was awarded the “Campus of Excellence” for the activities related to the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Indeed, in addition to educational objectives, uab campus intends to establish itself as one of the research icons in Europe.